Getting older comes with many changes in virtually every aspect of your life, including your skin. The soft and supple skin you had in your 20s may now wrinkle and crease when you make facial expressions. These wrinkles — known as dynamic wrinkles — are often the first visible sign of aging for men and women.
At Trouvaille Med Spa in Bourbonnais, IL, we are passionate about helping our patients look and feel their best. For many people, this includes minimizing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles and preventing their progression. One of the ways we can do this is with Dysport injections.
You may have heard of Dysport before, but you probably have some unanswered questions about treatment. Keep reading to learn the answers to nine frequently asked questions about Dysport injections.
1. What Is Dysport?
Dysport is a popular injectable treatment that uses the same active ingredient as Botox to minimize the appearance of dynamic wrinkles on the upper face.
2. How Do Dysport Injections Work?
Dysport injections contain a purified form of a neurotoxin known as botulinum toxin type A. As this neurotoxin settles into place, it gently relaxes the facial muscles it’s injected into. Once the muscles are relaxed, Dysport temporarily restricts muscle movement by blocking nerve signals from the brain.
By temporarily disabling certain muscles, we are able to prevent the muscle movements that cause dynamic wrinkles to appear. Many people find that Dysport can help create a smoother, younger-looking version of themselves.
3. How Is Dysport Different from Botox?
Although Dysport and Botox contain the same active ingredient, there are subtle differences between the two. First, the concentration of botulinum toxin type A is more diluted in a Dysport injection than it is in Botox. This dilution gives Dysport a slightly lower molecular weight and, therefore, a thinner solution.
Since Dysport is slightly thinner than Botox, it spreads out more from the initial injection site. This effect makes Dysport better at treating large areas like the forehead. It also gives it a shorter onset time for most people.
4. Where Is Dysport Used?
Dysport is used primarily on the upper face, with the most popular treatment area being glabellar lines.
Glabellar lines, also known as frown lines, are the small, vertical lines that form between the eyebrows. Dysport can reduce the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines, which makes this treatment ideal for adults in many different stages of aging.
5. What Should You Expect During Dysport Treatment?
Dysport treatment in our Bourbonnais, IL, med spa is simple, straightforward, and comfortable. The first thing we do is map out the optimal injection sites to address your concerns. For many patients, we mark five injection sites in a V-shaped pattern between and above the eyebrows.
Next, we gently clean the area to ensure no dirt or debris makes its way under your skin. At this point, we can also apply a topical anesthetic gel to numb the area if you wish. We will then strategically and precisely inject a small amount of Dysport solution into each of the marked injection sites.
The entire process only takes about 20 minutes to complete and gives you the freedom to get back to your regular daily activities immediately after treatment. There is no downtime associated with Dysport injections.
If this is your first time receiving a cosmetic treatment from us, we’ll ask you to come in for a consultation so we can determine whether you are a good candidate.
6. When Do Results Begin to Appear?
The results of a Dysport injection are not immediately visible, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t wake up the next morning with your desired results. Luckily, you won’t have to wait long. Most people notice results within two to three days after treatment.
Although it’s easy to get antsy waiting to see the final results, many people prefer Dysport over Botox due to its shorter onset window. The results of Botox can take up to a week to appear.
7. How Long Does Dysport Last?
On average, Dysport injections last anywhere from three to five months. As the neuromodulator begins to wear off, your once-dormant muscles will become active again. This means your frown lines will reappear if you don’t continue to get subsequent injections. Luckily, follow-up treatments are just as swift and simple as the first.
8. Is Dysport Safe?
Dysport has been used in clinical and cosmetic settings for over a decade. It is backed by years of research and was approved by the FDA for use on glabellar lines in adults in 2009.
We are happy to answer any questions you have about Dysport’s effects when you come in for a consultation.
9. Can Dysport Be Combined with Other Treatments?
Yes! It’s very common to pair Dysport injections with complementary procedures, such as dermal fillers, to address certain cosmetic issues that neuromodulators alone cannot.
Tell us about any cosmetic concerns you would like to address when you come in for a consultation. This information allows us to determine which treatment — or combination of treatments — is right for you and design your personalized treatment plan accordingly.
Find Out if Dysport Injections Are Right for You
Do you think you could be a good candidate for Dysport treatment? If you’re interested in smoothing out stubborn frown lines, we can help you get started at Trouvaille Med Spa in Bourbonnais, IL.
Give us a call today to learn more about our services or to schedule your Dysport consultation.